Dr. Kokinias and his team can answer your questions about cosmetic or orthodontic care.


A veneer improves the appearance of a tooth by covering the visible front surface with a custom-made, tooth-colored porcelain overlay.

A veneer is often prescribed for a tooth that is:

  • Discolored or stained
  • Worn down, chipped or broken
  • Misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped

It may also be prescribed to “fill the gap” between two otherwise healthy teeth.

With proper care and good oral hygiene, a veneer has a lifespan of 5-15 years.


Are you looking for a simpler solution to straighten teeth without having to endure the look of metal braces? If you are unhappy, self-conscious or even embarrassed with your smile, Dr. Kokinias offers a wonderful solution for teeth alignment using Invisalign.

Call our office for a smile consultation appointment to see if you are a candidate for this modern treatment.

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Invisalign is designed to straighten teeth comfortably with predictable results. Many adults spend their entire lives covering their mouths when they laugh, smile or talk. They feel stuck because they do not want to wear adult metal braces for years or they are concerned that other corrective teeth straightening procedures could be too invasive or too expensive. Invisalign is the correct choice!

Your smile deserves the very best. When your teeth are properly aligned, it’s easier to brush and floss. You can achieve a straighter smile without metal braces. Find out if you can have your best possible smile. Schedule a smile consultation with Dr. Kokinias today.